Mumbai, India - Storm Water System Repairs

California Wine Caves

Limestone Mine, Iowa

Pan American Silver Shaftlining - Zacatecas, Mexico

Washington, D.C. Metro Tunnels

Ecuador - The San Francisco Hydro Plant Tunnel

Venezuela, Consorcio Linea II Tunnel Lining

Skokie, IL South Leg Tunnel

Trasvases Manabi Water Project, Ecuador

Raw Water Intake Tunnel, Southland Contracting
Project List (PDF)
Sample Projects Include:
Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewer District – 9000 LF, 60” I.D.
Colorado Dept. of Transportation – over a thousand feet of 3-4ft. diameter old corrugated metal pipes (cmp)
Union Pacific Railroad – over 2500 ft. of 42” I.D. pipe. Pumping through 550 ft. of 1.5” concrete hose, the pipe was lined at 400 plus feet for 6 consecutive days.
Mesa County (Grand Junction, CO) – a severely misaligned 110 ft. 36” I.D. pipe was relined in less than two hours.
Modesto Irrigation District, CA - miles of 3-4ft ID 70+ year old concrete pipes